Step 1
Conceptual Design

At “Dutt Engicon” our team of experts specializes in developing creative and innovative solutions in-depth research and analysis to fully understand the project requirements for clients.

Step 2
Frontend Engineering & Design

Our experienced designers use the latest technology and tools to create detailed and  accurate visual representations of the designs.

Step 3
Detailed Engineering

Our team of engineers have extensive experience in the industry, we capitalize on their expertise to deliver high-quality detailed engineering services. 

Step 4

At Dutt Engicon, our experts team works closely with clients to ensure that all equipment is installed and functioning correctly, and that all systems are working  together seamlessly to meet performance spec fications.

Step 15
PMC Activities

Our PMC team works closely with clients and all project stakeholders to plan, schedule, budget, and oversee all aspects of the project, ensuring that it is completed on time, within budget, and to the desired quality standards.

Step 6
3D Scanning and Model Development

At Dutt Engicon, we utilize the latest 3D scanning and modelling technology to create high-quality, accurate digital representations of physical objects, spaces, and structures. 

Improve profitability and minimized risks with

Dutt Engicon